Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hermosa Quinceanera en Disneyland Resort

En esta ocacion en Xclusive Photography and Video Services tubimos el honor de realizar las fotos y el video de una hermosa Quinceanera Que se llama Brianna Hernandez toda su fiesta se llebo a cabo en el Disneyland Resort, comenzando por la manana en el Disneyland Hotel en donde se hospedo la familia Hernandez, por la tarde se realizo la ceremonia en los hermosos jardines llamado the Rose Court Garden Disneyland, y por la noche fue la recepcion en un hermoso salon llamado The Magic Kingdom Ballroom east foyer, Gracias Brianna por mantener tu hermosa Sonrisa de Quinceanera durante todo el dia y Gracias a la Familia Hernandez Garcia por confiar en Xclusive Phtotography and Video Services para la realizacion de su dia especial.

si quieres mirar todas las fotos de este evento haz CLICK AQUI

Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Destination Photographer

Quinceanera Photographer in Anaheim Ca.



Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Photographer in San Francisco

Quinceanera Profesional Photographer

Quinceanera Destination Photographer

Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort


Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Photography at the Disneyland Resort

Quinceanera Photography in Disneyland
Quinceanera Photographer in Anaheim Ca.
Professional Photographer at the Disneyland Resort

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